понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

вторник, 16 марта 2010 г.


Red Star

«In this world of shattered dreams
Truth is never to be told
Eternal search for rest and peace,
Grief and pain are to behold»
Chapter I – The Rite

Under glittering stars lies the world torn apart,
It was destined to fall; it was cursed from the start.
It’s the nature of men to destroy and consume
Or they worship false gods leading us to the doom.

Veil of dark hides the sun, sacrifice being made…
Virgin's blood flows like wine to embrace sacred fate.
Giving birth to a star, spirits revel all night,
And that star, amongst all, radiates crimson light.

Shadows reign in the night bringing horror and death,
Crimson star craves for blood: it demands to be fed.
But the fear gets weak when the morning begins,
Under heavenly light we are safe, so it seems…

But the night just began; dawn is far in the east,
Cries are tearing the dusk, evil plan is unleashed.
But the hope never flees, you just have to believe.
Our doom is to fall for the others to live…

That’s the destiny’s gibe, our choices are fakes,
Our paths are in hands of the rectoral Fates.
So, the star rose in sky by the crescent moon’s horn,
Far away by that moment a child was born…